The Scottish Community Drama Association (SCDA)
The Scottish Community Drama Association enthusiastically supports and encourages the development of theatre arts and drama in the volunteer-led sector by promoting high quality standards and best practice amongst our members.
The All England Theatre Festival (AETF)
The All England Theatre Festival organises the only country-wide eliminating contest for one-act plays in performance throughout England.
The Drama Association of Wales (DAW)
The Drama Association of Wales exists to create opportunities for people to become actively involved in theatre activities which are rewarding, fun and of a high standard.
The Guild of Drama Adjudicators (GoDA)
The Guild of Drama Adjudicators (GoDA) is the internationally recognised body for the adjudication of all forms of theatre. Founded in 1947 with membership limited to those with extenseive experience of amateur and professional theatre it is the longest established organisation of its kind.
The Association of Ulster Drama Festivals (AUDF)
The AUDF Constitution, drawn up in 1949, includes the following aims: "to foster and encourage amateur drama through the holding of Festivals of Drama, the fostering of relations and co-operation between Ulster Drama Festivals, and the fostering of relations with similar organisations in Northern Ireland and other regions…"
National Drama Festivals Association (NDFA)
National Drama Festivals Association (NDFA) was formed in 1964 to encourage and support amateur theatre in all its forms and in particular through the organisation of drama festivals. There are now 38 member festivals throughout the UK who between them organise 16 Full Length, 35 One Act festivals and 28 Youth festivals. Each year, NDFA organise the British All Winners Festival where the very best of British amateur theatre take part in a week-long celebration of theatre.
National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA)
Our vision is that amateur theatre is successful and sustainable, providing a range of opportunities for people to develop their skills and enjoy taking part, at all levels. We are here to support the education and information needs of individuals and organisations with high quality services and products that contribute to the success of amateur theatre, as well as encouraging appreciation of the sector by participants and audiences alike.